No individual can be a prima donna: Raman in his e-mail to Ganguly and Dravid

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WV Raman at a press conference. © Women's CricZone

“As far as I know, Raman has said that he has always 'believed in team being placed above everybody else, and insisted that no individual can really be a prima donna’,” PTI quoted a source as saying.

Raman’s candidature for the post of India’s Head Coach was not taken ahead by the Cricket Advisory Committee, which recommended Ramesh Powar’s name instead. Although the former head coach hasn’t named anyone in the e-mail, he has mentioned about the prevailing star culture, which isn’t healthy according to him.

“Raman has asked Dada (Ganguly) that if a past accomplished performer feels constrained by this culture, then he (Ganguly) as a former India captain, should take a call on this matter, whether the coach is asking for too much,” said the source.

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Raman also offered to explain his work ethic, in case the BCCI President and Secretary want to hear his opinion. Dravid has been copied in the e-mail since Raman is of the opinion that the NCA can contribute towards developing the women’s game.

“When it comes to building a coaching manual or a training program for cricketers, it is the NCA which takes charge,” the source added.

“So if Raman has any inputs with regards to training modules for upcoming women cricketers, the best person certainly is NCA head Rahul Dravid.”

The manner of appointment of Powar as the Head Coach by the CAC has also reportedly come under the BCCI scanner and so too the Neetu David-led selection committee.