Danielle Wyatt appointed North Staffs and South Cheshire Premier League president

Women's CricZone Staff
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Hope I can build on my good form this series, says Danielle Wyatt

Danielle Wyatt. © ICC

Growing up in Stoke-on-Trent, Wyatt, at the age of eight joined her local club Whitmore CC. The right-hander was reluctant a bit initially being the only girl at that time. But with support from the family and club, she developed her skills and went onto play in all junior age groups, senior club cricket and Staffordshire women’s teams.

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“I recognise it has been a difficult season for club cricket. But if I can help bring more resources, and profile to the game locally, then that will be brilliant,” she said. Since her debut in 2010, Wyatt has represented England 187 internationals scoring 2658 runs and taking 73 wickets, besides several domestic and international T20 tournaments.

“As part of this role, I’d love to help support a club’s junior training sessions. It is where it all started for me, so to be able to put something back into the game locally so soon is something I am honoured to do,” added the 2017 World Cup winner.

“As a league, we wanted to appoint a local role model for all our cricketers, but especially the junior girls and boys coming into the game for the first time,” Gavin Carr, the NSSCPCL chairman, said. “Danni is a familiar face around the local circuit and what better way to recognise her achievements to appoint her as president.

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“We have 45 clubs in our league, with over 2,100 players across all the teams, of which 540 are under 18. The under 18’s are the future of our league and cricket, by appointing Danni, we believe that she can provide further inspiration to this generation to go on to great things.

“We recognise we need to move with the times and adapt, so following on from a successful trial in 2020, we are adjusting our league format to broaden its appeal both for spectators and players and having Danni as president will help promote cricket locally,” Carr concluded.